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    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

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    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by chi_solas Wed May 19, 2010 1:32 am

    Hi vj, Embarassed I deleted your posting
    can you re-post. Thanks. Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    I am interested in how different
    cultures use their folklore with
    in the realm of Reiki. I also am
    interested in the termnology of
    soul science and how its applied
    to everyday living. study

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Wed May 19, 2010 6:59 pm

    Dear chi_solas

    oops: I deleted your posting
    can you re-post. Thanks. Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    Not worry whatever happend it happend for good. But i have no copy of this in my brain and harddisk because it was live means whatever came in my mind i have written that time. So forget...

    I am interested in how different
    cultures use their folklore with
    in the realm of Reiki. I also am
    interested in the termnology of
    soul science and how its applied
    to everyday living. study

    I will give anwser it now just in process in mind as soon it will finished i will write.. so not worry give me little time.

    thanks and regards
    Admin/Forum Promoter
    Admin/Forum Promoter

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by chi_solas Fri May 21, 2010 12:30 pm

    vijaybali wrote:Dear chi_solas

    oops: I deleted your posting
    can you re-post. Thanks. Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    Not worry whatever happend it happend for good. But i have no copy of this in my brain and harddisk because it was live means whatever came in my mind i have written that time. So forget...

    I am interested in how different
    cultures use their folklore with
    in the realm of Reiki. I also am
    interested in the termnology of
    soul science and how its applied
    to everyday living. study

    I will give anwser it now just in process in mind as soon it will finished i will write.. so not worry give me little time.

    thanks and regards


    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Fri May 21, 2010 9:57 pm

    hai salman,

    i find this tread may be it help someone...

    your emphasis is that we have more soul science since we have opportunities to learn from saints and experienced people that are available more in our region as compared to other regions...

    and there is no doubt... we have opportunities of taking benefit of in-person learning from great saints....

    but we've also got to consider that there are lot many saints in other parts of region too... which we (this continent people) don't know of...due to lack of knowledge, i cannot say things about saints and rishis within hinduism... but i m aware that 'muslim mysticism' as flourished in indopak subcontinent is the result of saints that migrated here from Persia (now Iran), Iraq, and Spain....but, however, it is quite amazing to know that such saints served their whole life in the service of local people here... and they are generally/commonly known as 'natives' of this subcontinent...

    I agree with you and real saint never bond with boundaries of countries and continent they are same as air, Sky , River etc they only believe to work for mankind that reason real saint Believe to continue moving like river, like air if river,air stop than everything stop it is law of nature and real saint also follow this. I agree with you and I am not against to knew other part of saint they are same valuable as we have but I am saying we have more opportunity and our old saints has done one wonderful thing that is they merge this spiritual science in our life and become tradition and this all tradition has some some positive law that only difference which make spiritual science is very common in our continent rather than other part of world and this all done by our ancient saint and due to that still may be we are not pious like other part of world but still we are getting positive wave every time due great effort o our ancient saints.

    another example, i heard that Bhudda belonged to Nepal region, but the Bhuddhist religion mostly flourished in Japan, as we know today...

    Can you tell what is boundaries of India ancient time and who has behind of this I thing you don’t knew .It all spread due to great kind of Asoka who spread Buddha lesson to Japan and Sri-lanka etc and their effort make that japan become budhist countries. So whatever you see now in other countries it root belong to our continent.

    yet again, i may say Vijay that if we dont know of saints of, lets say, West Virginia, it does not necessarily mean thaty there were not any Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    ancient saint merge spiritual science in tradition without telling their followers in idea,” postivness give only postiveness” and they succeeded but other part of saint unable to do so (old time )…or other reason I felt other part follower not follow as that time their saint said.

    ancient saint more succeeded to spread spiritual science all part of our continent rather than world and lot of credit also went to our ancestors. So here no mean which saint is better all of them great but our saint idea to merge spirituality in tradition is successful and they all done for well wishes of mankind. May some selfish people take advantage but still that passiveness is laying there only need caliber person who can take it.

    Last saint is our idle may be whatever part they live we are solider of positive forces and they are our head who guide us their experience that is true.

    But this topic mention why India and their continent is more spiritual it all due to long vision of ancient saints and their lovely people.…

    Thanks and regards
    Admin/Forum Promoter
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    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by chi_solas Sat May 22, 2010 12:03 am

    Are you saying that soul science is tied into sainthood? sunny

    My daughter was born on all saints day that is the day
    after all souls day,known as halloween. Is soul science
    associated with death? Sainthood comes after death,or
    when the soul passes on. Do we ever die? Have we always
    existed but only change our form each time we re-enter
    the universe.? Arrow

    Does any of this make sense? Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Sat May 22, 2010 6:30 pm

    hai chi_solas

    it is not such easy i can give anwser after see your question for that i need to work seriously on that for that i need time.

    so i am giving short anwser.

    Are you saying that soul science is tied into sainthood? sunny

    No, soul science tied with everybody, but few have quersity to knew what is that and that group those work for soul science called saint in other sense they are scienctist of soul science from thousand years and we are still working contact base means very few of them or one or two will join soul scientist post after their performance utill we are just trainee..

    My daughter was born on all saints day that is the day
    after all souls day,known as halloween.

    Can you tell what is mean still i am not understand what You want

    Is soul science associated with death?

    for this i need time

    Sainthood comes after death,or when the soul passes on. Do we ever die?

    realy lovely question i need time for detail.

    Have we always existed but only change our form each time we re-enter
    the universe.? Arrow

    All this very depth and lovely question or you can say my most like question so that reason i take time to give you detail.

    Does any of this make sense? Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    This all are most valuable and the way of ultimate benifit take from this body which we can take from this life....

    Thanks and love..
    Admin/Forum Promoter
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    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by chi_solas Sun May 23, 2010 12:23 am

    My daughter was born on all saints day that is the day
    after all souls day,known as halloween.

    Can you tell what is mean still i am not understand what You want

    I was just making note that in my culture we celebrate
    Halloween on October 31st a day when "souls" who have
    repented for their sins, wander the earth on their way
    to heaven. It is celebrated with children dressed up as
    ghosts and lighted candles in home windows to help the
    souls find their way to heaven. Here in the US the true
    meaning of Halloween seems to have faded into the back
    ground and taken on a different path. Children go door
    to door collecting candy. A culture shock for me affraid

    All saints day is the day after Halloween when the souls
    make it into heaven. To be a saint the pope of Rome has
    to cannonize a person into sainthood. I gather in your
    culture folks can obtain sainthood before the body dies.
    Such as the Hugging saint maybe Mother Theresa Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Mon May 24, 2010 9:16 pm

    hai Chi_solas,

    Is soul science associated with death?

    I think i need to clear the thing first, what is medical science, In short way that science which besically invented for human body or body of all living thing in different- format call Medical science in my way..

    Which science work for soul and developed for soul is called soul science it main purpose to how get soul healthy so this soul science.

    one is developed by physical thing ( Medical science) and Other is Totally vibration and intension base

    One work of this universe or this life. (medical science)

    Other work for all life which our soul passed..... ( soul science)

    one is physical world another for soul world. (

    There more if i continue than it takes many days..

    So this soul science.

    thanks and regards


    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Mon May 24, 2010 9:32 pm

    hai cha_solas

    Sainthood comes after death,or when the soul passes on. Do we ever die?

    No, Sainthood is in this life or it come when anybody understand why we are in this world and what is motive. There is nothing after death. Yes our body died lot of time but soul not. But soul need to change the body for complete old karma which is happend many life for this completation soul required to take different- living thing body, some time animal,some time tree, some time mountains etc.. so we don't knew when we get another humanbody and this only body in that we can cut all this karma with own effort but other body we have no such power that reason birth in human is most important thing........

    It is totally system which is giving birth according to our karma.

    At last those comeout this birth and death system call saints. or those understand how come out all will become saints.

    this is another anwser..

    thanks and love

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Mon May 24, 2010 9:58 pm

    dear chi_solas

    I was just making note that in my culture we celebrate
    Halloween on October 31st a day when "souls" who have
    repented for their sins, wander the earth on their way
    to heaven. It is celebrated with children dressed up as
    ghosts and lighted candles in home windows to help the
    souls find their way to heaven. Here in the US the true
    meaning of Halloween seems to have faded into the back
    ground and taken on a different path. Children go door
    to door collecting candy. A culture shock for me affraid

    You are right there is no mean celebrate the festival in different way because saints make this special days with lot of calculation and it is effect only come when we will go same way ok only real saint modified the way of festival according today circumstance.because they understand what behind all this or it is happening in my country in few thing because there lot of thing has changed from old time to now but modification power only those people who are real saint.

    All saints day is the day after Halloween when the souls
    make it into heaven. To be a saint the pope of Rome has
    to cannonize a person into sainthood. I gather in your
    culture folks can obtain sainthood before the body dies.

    Everything is good which happend open eyes once eyes closed it become dream and this all sainthood only work in this life because real saint no need to take birth again he/she become power of super power or become god try whatever good in this life forget after life.....

    Such as the Hugging saint maybe Mother Theresa Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    No dought she is one great saint of human history and she has double power once she got the power of Mother ( so she call mother of thousand human ) which is most powerfull vibration of world and other she is saint.

    thanks and regards
    Admin/Forum Promoter
    Admin/Forum Promoter

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by chi_solas Tue May 25, 2010 12:05 am

    vijaybali wrote:dear chi_solas

    I was just making note that in my culture we celebrate
    Halloween on October 31st a day when "souls" who have
    repented for their sins, wander the earth on their way
    to heaven. It is celebrated with children dressed up as
    ghosts and lighted candles in home windows to help the
    souls find their way to heaven. Here in the US the true
    meaning of Halloween seems to have faded into the back
    ground and taken on a different path. Children go door
    to door collecting candy. A culture shock for me affraid

    You are right there is no mean celebrate the festival in different way because saints make this special days with lot of calculation and it is effect only come when we will go same way ok only real saint modified the way of festival according today circumstance.because they understand what behind all this or it is happening in my country in few thing because there lot of thing has changed from old time to now but modification power only those people who are real saint.

    All saints day is the day after Halloween when the souls
    make it into heaven. To be a saint the pope of Rome has
    to cannonize a person into sainthood. I gather in your
    culture folks can obtain sainthood before the body dies.

    Everything is good which happend open eyes once eyes closed it become dream and this all sainthood only work in this life because real saint no need to take birth again he/she become power of super power or become god try whatever good in this life forget after life.....

    Such as the Hugging saint maybe Mother Theresa Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    No dought she is one great saint of human history and she has double power once she got the power of Mother ( so she call mother of thousand human ) which is most powerfull vibration of world and other she is saint.

    thanks and regards

    I was immersed in all the holy rituals
    that a few before us made it into sainthood
    A person's worthiness was judged by others. farao

    Mother Theresa certainly fits the saint
    category. I have passed up oppourtunities
    to visit the Hugging Saint events. I believe
    we all have the power to heal ourselves. As Dr
    Paul Roud wrote in his book," Making Miracles"
    consider Lourdes,France. no one who lives near
    Lourdes has ever experienced a miraculous cure.
    Bathing in the spring,praying at the shrine as
    well as the hardship of the trip to Lourdes are
    all necessary components of the "treatment" "
    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    vj, I may be drifting of the topic. I'm still not
    clear on what "Soul Science" is all about. scratch

    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki Empty Re: Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki

    Post by vijaybali Mon May 31, 2010 5:42 pm

    Hai chi_solas,

    I was immersed in all the holy rituals
    that a few before us made it into sainthood
    A person's worthiness was judged by others. farao

    I Agree with you nobody judged otherworthiness, It is very deep-2 question But we can try in intention for better for other...... But May be when any body become great saint he/she get the power to take the decision other worthiness because saint soul merge into omniness due to that he/she can read other value. But in our status you are right nobody judge worthiness of other ( it is our short sight in spiritual line) but in saints they can take it........ That reason i said in some article we are trainee ( interence test of spiriuality line only few can move forward for that reason billions people only one become saint like mother tersa ji, Vivakanand ji, Shri shai Baba ji there lot more but they are rare..........

    Mother Theresa certainly fits the saint
    category. I have passed up oppourtunities
    to visit the Hugging Saint events. I believe
    we all have the power to heal ourselves. As Dr
    Paul Roud wrote in his book," Making Miracles"
    consider Lourdes,France. no one who lives near
    Lourdes has ever experienced a miraculous cure.
    Bathing in the spring,praying at the shrine as
    well as the hardship of the trip to Lourdes are
    all necessary components of the "treatment" "
    Soul science & spiritual folklore's influence on Reiki 850837

    Your are right we have everything insight us only need to wakeup all....

    vj, I may be drifting of the topic. I'm still not
    clear on what "Soul Science" is all about. scratch

    Ok Give me time

    thanks and regards

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